Welcome to Speed Forma
Do you want to know that one Australian made Brand can look after the whole of your levelling needs?
We have the complete solution and all made in Australia and supported by us! Here in Australia we know we live in a harsh and dynamic environment and this means we need our gear to perform when we make a decision. And being able to quickly and accurately execute a task like land-forming prior to planting is often the key to improving yield results.
How we know what it means to have lost yield to water logging in years when we should have had bumper crops and how good it is to know that there is a Turn-Key Solution to these problems with Speed Forma. (yes that means if you need help with your system or machine you just call us because we look after the whole package). If you have more questions contact Troy on 0429 775 012 , we’re looking forward to your call.
Case Study: 20ft Speed-Forma CG2000XL
Speed-Forma CG2000XL vs 16ft Laser Bucket
Wayne Andreazza has run a 200 hectare farm in Wilbriggy, NSW for the past 30 years. Wayne farms a variety of cotton and other crops. Wayne uses Trevor Warr to do his land-forming and is among the first of Trevor’s customers to experience the difference the Speed-Forma CG2000XL makes to his operation.
We approached Wayne as the Grower after Trevor had completed his land-forming to get a better understanding of the benefits to the grower.
Speed-Forma – Australian Landforming Equipment
Designed to improve the efficiency of landforming by increasing travel speed and coverage width while reducing the amount of earth you need to move with first class leveling technology “Large capacity Scoops have their place of cause…what we do is reduce your landforming job by design and the provide you with the equipment to implement it in the most efficient way”
Australian designed and supported Control Software
Speed-Forma GPS is gaining market-share among land- levelling contractors due to its ease-of-use, wealth of features, and highly accurate and reliable GPS. With the ability to fully leverage the equipment by adding auto-steer, variable rate and spray control options has also enhanced its appeal. With the addition of economical cross-leveling at a fraction of the cost of alternative systems Speed-Forma GPS will make it even easier for contractors to complete jobs in record time, at an industry-leading cost, and with impressive precision.
Design Solutions and Software – Move up to 80% less Dirt!
We will work with you to achieve the ultimate result whether you want us to supply you with software for in house design of your paddocks or you want us to help you arrange it using your local consultants
“The simple design and the serviceability of the Speed-Forma appealed to us…..we find it performs even better at speed which is great”
“I’ve got to say I was sceptical about the Speed-Forma GPS and the size of the CG800 machine to do our landforming, and when we started using it in the field I really didn’t think we were moving enough soil to fix our wet areas, but we have proved the machine’s capability and the results are very rewarding”